Has it really been a month since my last post?!
So much for learning 12 new words a day, huh? Well, actually a lot has been going on here, no surprise. Since I'm applying to teach in Belgium next year, Paul is helping me learn German!
That means, I'm taking this blog step-by-step through all my vocabulary units. Besides, the best way to learn a language is through repetition, so writing it here is one more etch into my memory :)
Die Kleidung
das T-Shirt (n) / die T-Shirts (np): t-shirt
der Mantel (m) / die Mäntel (mp): coat
das Hemd (n) / die Hemden (np): shirt
die Jeans (pl): jeans
die Hose (f) / die Hosen (fp): pants
die Bluse (f) / die Blusen (fp): blouse
das Sweatshirt (n) / die Sweatshirts (np): sweatshirt
die Jacke (f) / die Jacken (fp): jacket
das Kleid (n) / die Kleider (np): dress
der Pullover (m): sweater
der Pulli (m) / die Pullis (mp): sweater
der Rock (m) / die Röcke (mp): skirt
der Schuh (m) / die Schuhe (mp): shoe
And also with this lesson comes opposites
Das Gegenteil, -e
dick / dünn: thick, fat / thin, skinny
groß / klein: tall, big, large / short, small, little
lang / kurz: long / short
langsam / schnell: slow(ly) / fast, quick(ly)
neu / alt: new / old
sauber / schmutzig: clean, neat / dirty
teuer / billig: expensive / inexpensive, cheap
Next time we'll cover weather and days of the week!