Sadly, I got into a decent accident today on the freeway and most likely said goodbye to my car for the last time. Since I'm not injured and walked away, I feel like making light of the situation and taking the opportunity to learn accident vocabulary in a different language.
While this isn't my car, it probably looks very similar to mine right now...
- un airbag (m): airbag
- une ambulance (f): ambulance
- un accident (m): accident
- la ceinture de sécurité (f): seatbelt
- une collision (f): crash
- les dégâts (mpl): damages
- l'embouteillage (m): traffic jam
- freiner: to brake
- un pneu crevé (m): flat tire
- un policier (m): police officer
- ralentir: to slow down
- une urgence (f): emergency
(Vocabulary taken from Quizlet)
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